Past Members


Dustin Brown (PhD)

Thesis: Characterization, Simulation, and Measurement of the Far Field Error Vector Magnitude of Millimeter-Wave Antennas and Phased Arrays Using Compact and Planar Near Field Ranges
Hired At: Keysight - Phased Array Test Solutions Engineer


Tianjian Huang (MSEE)

Thesis: Design and Electromagnetic Characterization of Circularly-Polarized Shorted-Annular-Ring GPS Antenna for Autonomous Rail Vehicles Positioning
Hired At: Aerospace Corporation, Los Angeles

Anastasios Papathanasopoulos (PhD)

Thesis: Antenna Designs for Next-Generation Spaceborne Applications and Orbital Angular Momentum Beams: 3D-Printed Lenses, Flat-Layered Meta-Lenses, and Transmitarrays
Hired At: Apple Inc. - Antenna Architect


Yubin Cai (MSEE)

Thesis: Design of Electrically Small Loop Antennas with Wide-Band Frequency Tuning Capability to Facilitate Mars Exploration
Hired At: MIT - PhD student

Vignesh Manohar (PhD)

Thesis: Novel High Gain Antennas for Emerging CubeSats: Characterization of Deployable Mesh Reflectors and Low-profile, Metal-only Stepped Reflectors
Hired At: Florida International University - Postdoctoral Scholar

Lingnan Song (PhD)

Thesis: Reconfigurable and Conformal Antennas based on the Emerging Liquid Metal and Electro-Textile Materials
Hired At: Beihang University - Assistant Professor


Junbo Wang (MSEE)

Project: 3D Beam Steering with Risley Prism Antenna Based on Rotated Element Metasurfaces
Hired At: UCLA - PhD student
Disclaimer: The current employment status of the graduated alumni from the UCLA Antenna Research, Analysis, and Measurement Laboratory is to the best of our knowledge. If there are any errors or updates then please notify Professor Rahmat-Samii so that the information can be updated.