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PhD Candidate Junbo Wang received the 22/23 Distinguished Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Physical & Wave Electronics for his dissertation entitled "Beam Steerable Antennas for CubeSats: Novel Synthesis Methods and Implementations of Reflectarrays and Transmitarrays".
PhD Candidate Junbo Wang and Distinguished Professor Yahya Rahmat-Samii co-authored a journal paper titled "Enabling the Internet of Things With CubeSats: A review of representative beamsteerable antenna concepts" which was recently featured on the cover of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine.
Junbo Wang wins first place in the 2021 Ernest K. Smith USNC-URSI Student Paper Competition for his paper titled "K-Band Circularly Polarized Beam Steerable Reflectarray Enabling CubeSat Internet of Space: Conceptualization and Validation".
Anastasios Papathanasopoulos wins third place in the 2020 AMTA Student Paper Competition for his paper titled "Multi-Layered Flat Metamaterial Lenses: Design, Prototyping and Measurements".